Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Real Housewives of Orange County Reunion

Fans were disappointed to learn that The Real Housewives of Orange County reunion wouldn't air last Tuesday, because Wednesday was July 4th. The holiday ended up postponing the dramatic reunion that fans have been waiting to see for months. This season has been one of the more dramatic ones yet, because friendships have been flipped on their heads. For one, Vicki and Tamra are no longer talking, Gretchen and Alexis are on the rocks because Alexis feels betrayed by Gretchen and Gretchen and Tamra are becoming really good friends, despite hating one another on previous seasons.

Well, the reunion is one of the more dramatic ones because the women haven't settled the drama that was played out during the season of The Real Housewives of Orange County. The first part of the reunion special will air on Tuesday and it starts out very dramatic. For one, Alexis accuses Tamra of having multiple personalities. "You are psychotic Jesus Jugs," Tamra fires back. Sure, Alexis is known for being a little bit of an airhead, which was addressed by several of the women on the show. In fact, it seems that Jim is the only one who doesn't think that Alexis is bonkers.

And while Heather isn't one to use religious nicknames to bring down Alexis, she does slam her during the reunion special. "She's hideous to them. She speaks to them like trash and like they are beneath her," Heather says of Alexis' treatment of the other women. No wonder Jim may be pulling her out of the show. She is starting to look like a horrible person.

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